The Civil War in New Mexico

John Taylor - January 29, 2019 - New Mexico History Museum

Why Invade New Mexico, of all Places


Preliminary Maneuvers


February 21, 1862 Aftermath

Union Casualties at Valverde

Confederate Casualties at Valverde


The Confederates Move North

The Coloradans Move South


Apache Canyon (3/26): Union - 420 men, led by John Chivington; Confederates - 280 men, + 2 cannons, led by William Pyron

Pigeon's Ranch (3/28): Union - 920 men anbd 6 cannon, led by John Slough; Confederates: 600 men and 3 cannon, led by William Scurry


Casualties- Union: 172 (54 killed, 97 wounded, 21 captured); Confederates: 213 (47 killed, 64 wounded, 102 captured.

For Comparison- Valverde: Union total 475, Confederate total 213

Conclusion- Confederate tactical victory but strategic defeat.



A Bottom Line

Greatest impacts of Civil War in New Mexico:

Longer Impact:

Settlement of territory by "outsiders" who materially changed the culture and initiated a period of significant political violence

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